Events Calendar

Drawings Exposition by Joo Lee Kang: “Blue on Blue”
Wednesday 20 June 2018, 19:00
To Tuesday 31 July 2018
Hits : 2383

blue on blue

` Blue on Blue ´: Drawing exposition by the South Korean artist Joo Lee Kang. 
Selected by the 2018 Han-ul Gallery (Korean Cultural Centre) 

The Korean Cultural Centre (located at: Paseo de la Castellano, 15) inaugurates, on June the 20th at 19:00, the exposition titled “Blue on Blue”, by Joo Leee Kang (artist selected from the 2018 convening launched by the Centre).

The exhibit will remain at the aforementioned location until July the 31st. It compiles a series of new two and three-dimensional drawings, all elaborated with a pen. These pieces are not limited on reflecting the ideal of beauty in nature, but also represent some of the most profoundly related matters of the social and political aspects. For example; genetically modified organisms; mutations resulting from a high exposition to radioactivity; abandoned and run-over animals in highways, and the way in which society coexists with all these issues.

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