Events Calendar

Teatro Infantil “Doodle POP” de Brush Theatre ONLINE(YouTube)
From Thursday 25 March 2021
To Sunday 04 April 2021
Hits : 1564

Compañía seleccionada Asian Arts Award BEST COMEDY en el Festival Fringe de Edimburgo 2018 y galardonada con la mención del Ministro de Cultura, Deportes y Turismo en los Premios de Contenido de Corea de 2019estará disponible en el el canal de YouTube del Centro Cultural Coreano del 25 de marzo y hasta el 4 de abril (durante la Semana Santa).

Spain, a bridge to Latin America

mapa espana latinoamericaSpain has invested heavily in Latin America. During the last few decades, its companies have become some of the biggest investors in the continent, making Spain the most important investor in the region immediately after the United States. In addition, Spain has always been essential in the relations between Europe and Latin America.

For that reason, the Chamber will make one of its most important core activities the creation of a commercial and cultural links...