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CONTAGION - [Webinar] Helping companies and leaders navigate a fearful environment
Lunes 05 Octubre 2020
Accesos : 1354

How fear is slowing the recovery, and how companies can adapt and respond to customers' new aspirations? 
This keynote offers several tangible insights to help companies change and thrive in a fearful society and meet their customers' new expectations.
Some could assume that after the end of the lockdown and the first signs of a slowing pandemic, time for a robust economic recovery had come.
The consulting agency No Com has been observing for years a more lasting change in public opinion: fear has been setting in, and the pandemic is only a booster of that trend, to an extent it is now slowing down recovery. Moreover, the epidemic has opened the door to new fears and worries for the future. 

Companies must learn to live and take advantage of this unique environment instead of fighting against it. 

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España, un puente para América Latina

mapa espana latinoamericaEspaña ha apostado masivamente por América Latina. En las décadas pasadas, sus empresas se han convertido en algunos de los mayores inversores del continente, haciendo que España sea el inversor de mayor importancia en la región inmediatamente después de Estados Unidos. Además, España siempre ha sido imprescindible en las relaciones entre el viejo continente y América Latina.

Ahora, desde la Cámara queremos proponer como una de nuestras actividades principales y más importantes la creación de un vínculo...

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